Undertaking the fundamental shift from a traditional organization designed for the industrial economy to an agile model designed for today’s digital economy. A new form of organization that enables innovation, collaboration, and value creation at incredible speed, scale, and impact. Agile organizations can develop products five times faster, make decisions three times faster, and reallocate resources adroitly and quickly (McKinsey, 2018)
To build and lead agile organizations, leaders are required to develop three major new sets of capabilities.
1. Adopt new personal mind-sets and behaviours: transform yourself.
2. Learn to help teams work in new ways: transform the team.
3. Learn how to integrate agility into the design and culture of the whole organization: transform the organisation.
Bart Schlatmann, previously Chief Operating Officer, ING Netherlands:
“Culture is perhaps the most important element of this sort of change effort. We have spent an enormous amount of energy and leadership time trying to role model the sort of behavior—ownership, empowerment, customer centricity—that is appropriate in an agile culture.“
Leadership 360 and XL-Growth together have created a unique approach to help organisations with the transformation, starting with the individual leaders, the leadership team, and the team of each leader.
The approach is based on our business principles:
1. We co-create with you the leadership journey for the transformation.
2. Contributing to a shared purpose, reality is everything.
3. Be in the ‘know’ – we measure before, during and after.
4. We deliver and sustain, make ourselves redundant, you can continue.
5. Culture follows structure and eats strategy for breakfast.
6. Mobilise a coalition of change agents.
7. Connecting the dots.
U n l e a s h Y o u r P o t e n t i a l