+31 (0)6 53 89 75 67
Contact Jan Salomons (XL-Growth owner) via phone, email or contact form.
I am contactable via phone. In most cases I will be unable to directly answer your call. Please leave me a voicemail and I will return your call as soon as possible, or as indicated in your voicemail.
If you prefer WhatsApp or FaceTime (or similair), feel free to try. Messages will always be answered asap.

Contact XL-Growth via phone, email or contact form.
If you allow me some time to respond, send me an e-mail. Usually emails are answered the same evening or early next morning, depending the time-zone. Feel free to elaborate on your reasons or needs to contact me, so I can answer as specific as possible. You can also let me know your preferred time/date for a Skype/Zoom/Teams meeting. Don’t forget to mention your time-zone.
We have a strict privacy policy: your data will never be shared or used.
Contact Form